Area of Concentration: Science Education

In this area of ​​Concentration (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geosciences), the researches include themes related to STSE relations, History of Scientific Education, Culture, Subjectivity, Language and Cognition.


Research Lines:

History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

Didactics and Teacher Training

Teaching Practices and Diversity

Teaching Languages ​​and Practices

Science, Technology, Society and Education


Area of Concentration: Mathematical Education

In this Area of ​​Concentration, the research focuses on themes that discuss the relationship between Scientific / School and Cultural Knowledge, Mathematical Modeling, Cognition and Mathematical Language.


Research lines:

History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

Didactics and Teacher Training

Teaching Practices and Diversity

Teaching Languages ​​and Practices

Science, Technology, Society and Education


Beyond the common dimension between the two areas, these diversified Research Lines, however, maintain convergences to address themes and problems related to the initial and continuing education of Science and Mathematics Teaching / Education professionals, at any of the levels and systems. These include themes and relationships of greater or lesser extent that involve both the training of reflective-research teachers and pedagogical and scientific issues of situations / relationships of teaching and learning.